Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fresh Store Builder Review

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know about a new amazon store script that I just purchased 3 days ago.

I am not going to lie to you is fabulous! I have gotten a lot of emails asking about where to start with their own sites. I recommend the Fresh Store Builder to start your own sales website. They are having an awesome deal right now; $97 for 3 amazon stores! That means you can go register 3 domains and then plop this script on it! It has automatic Amazon feeds that work for you or you can just choose your items individually.

I launched this new script on my website 3 days ago and I have already gotten 2 sales. I am BLOWN away. Every question I had the first 2 days were answered within hours by support too. I am so impressed that I thought i'd give you all a heads up before the sale ends. If you have a niche, this is the perfect opportunity to add your website to all your blogs for traffic.

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