Making Santa Cookies For Christmas
I hope you enjoy my recipe of making santa cookies for christmas time! They are so fun to make and delicious to eat! Enjoy! Merry Christmas and have fun with nutter butter cookies :)
Making Santa Cookies For Christmas
Snowman Cookie Ingredients:
1 package (16 oz) Nutter Butter cookies
1-1/4 lbs white candy coating, melted
Miniature chocolate chips
M&M's miniature baking bits
Pretzel sticks, halved
Orange and red decorating gel or frosting
Snowman Cookies Directions
Snowman Cookie Recipe Directions:
1.Using some sort of tongs, dip the cookies into the candy coating and allow the extra to drip off.
2.Place the cookies on waxed paper.
3.Place 2 chocolate chips on one end of cookies for the eyes. Place the baking bits down middle for the snowman buttons!
4.For the arms dip the ends of two pretzel stick halves into the coating then attach it to one on each side.
5.Let it stand until set... dab the nose and scarf with some gel.
6. Enjoy!